Who We Are

Founded in 2019 and based in Riyadh, Legends is a dynamic PR and communication company offering a comprehensive range of services from strategy to execution. These include planning, thought leadership programmes, media relations, local and global campaigns, crisis management, protocol management and digital content creation.

Legends in Numbers

7000 +
Published Stories
1000 +
Global Engagement Platforms
600 +
International Influencer Affiliations
300 +
International Partnerships
90 +
Countries Reached
47 +
Riyals in Campaign Value
40 +
Completed Projects
20 +
Consultants Worldwide
10 +
Foreign Languages in Campaigns
3 +
Potential Global Audience

Our Services

Strategic Planning

Developing communication strategies by defining objectives, drafting messages and setting KPIs.

Corporate Communications

Brand reputation advisory, corporate public affairs initiatives and leveraging brand ambassadors.

Media Relations

Driving local and global media coverage, establishing media partnerships and building key journalist relationships.

Content Creation

From keynote speeches to SEO-driven articles, optimising content across all channels.

Digital and Social Media

Managing social media accounts and paid campaigns including sentiment analysis and listening reports.

Leadership Communications

Designing thought leadership programmers, providing media training and enhancing stakeholder engagement.

Crisis Management

Implementing risk mitigation, monitoring industry issues, conducting analysis and ensuring rapid-response capabilities.

Protocol Management

Providing full event staffing, agenda preparation, VIP guidance, media liaison and logistics.

Our Partners

Accredited by

All rights reserved to Legends PR Company 2024

All rights reserved to Legends PR Company 2024

Social Media

All rights reserved to Legends PR Company 2024