Management of biggest pilgrimage to Mecca since 2019 promoted by Legends

International media campaign highlights improved services and safety for two million pilgrims
Blog Blog
Source Riyadh - Media Department 03 Jul 2023 12:28 PM

The successful management of the biggest Hajj pilgrimage to the holy city of Mecca since Covid-19 restrictions were lifted was promoted in a global media campaign by Legends PR and Communications company. From 26 June to 1 July, a total of two million pilgrims from 160 countries around the world performed the sacred rites of Hajj at Mecca, which every Muslim is expected to do at least once in their lifetime. The campaign, called 100 Years of Saudi Efforts, was designed to show how the Kingdom managed crowd control while at the same time fulfilling pilgrims’ needs.

The Ministry of Hajj and Umra devised a national plan to develop its systems and upgrade the quality of its services for pilgrims, a key initiative in the country’s Vision 2030 roadmap for the future.

Legends carried out a global media campaign to promote the ministry’s efforts, which resulted in 5,816 press reports in ten languages and 44 countries around the world. Coverage was logged with Bloomberg, Italy’s Ansa, France’s AFP, CNBC Arabia, Al-Watan, and Asharq Al-Awsat, among others.


Legends was created in Riyadh in late 2019. With a global team of experts, the company provides well-crafted PR, communications, and consultancy services. Legends’ versatile skill set, including crisis management and institutional representation, engages audiences through running efficient international campaigns that have a guaranteed far-reaching impact.

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