Legends organises ceremony to announce the winner of Saudi restaurant competition

The competition is a national initiative for youths to develop skills in the restaurant sector
Blog Blog
Source Riyadh - Media Department 27 Nov 2020 02:40 AM

The winner of Saudi Arabia’s Who is the Owner of the Restaurant? competition was announced during a November ceremony organised by Legends PR and Communications company and held in Riyadh’s Four Seasons hotel.

Designed to support and encourage the Kingdom’s youths and professionals to develop skills in the restaurant sector, the competition saw 60,000 contestants on 11,000 different teams competing to win a fully equipped restaurant. Finalists also received recognition awards.

The competition was launched by the online food delivery company Jahez, under the auspices of The Small and Medium Enterprises General Authority, Monsha’at. It was sponsored by several government bodies, including the Social Development Bank and Saudi Arabia Railways.

The ceremony was attended by the governor of Monsha’at, Saleh bin Ibrahim Al-Rasheed, who highlighted the authority’s role in supporting small and medium enterprises seeking to collaborate with strategic partners in the public and private sectors. The CEO of Jahez, Ghassab Al Mandeel, said that “other initiatives shall follow to contribute to attaining a prosperous economy, a vital society and an ambitious nation”.

Legends provided PR services, inviting journalists to cover the event, which was transmitted live. The company gained media coverage in a number of national outlets including the newspapers Al Riyadh Daily, Al Eqtisadiah, Al-Jazirah Alan, Asharq Al-Awsat and Rotana Khalijia TV channel.


Legends was created in Riyadh in late 2019. With a global team of experts, the company provides well-crafted PR, communications, and consultancy services. Legends’ versatile skill set, including crisis management and institutional representation, engages audiences through running efficient international campaigns that have a guaranteed far-reaching impact.

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